Gents’ Hair Replacement

Elliotts Hairdressing Weston Favell salon, Northampton

Hair loss can be all-consuming.

We’re not talking about the odd strands in your hairbrush. It’s looking in the mirror and wanting to reach for a hat. Or spending time trying new styles to cover that area that is just too thin for your liking.

This is the type of hair loss that, for most gents, is inevitable at some point in their life. But, knowing this doesn’t make it any easier. If your hair loss is stopping you from feeling yourself, you don’t have to accept it. There is another way.

Our Elliotts Hairdressing salon in Weston Favell, Northampton can help. Welcome to the world of high quality, affordable hair replacement.

Hair replacement systems

Hair replacement systems have been around for years but most of them are either too expensive or don’t look real enough. Well, not anymore!

Introducing Elliotts Hairdressing’s non-surgical hair replacement treatment; a discrete way for gents to feel more confident about their hair… again, without spending a fortune!

You don’t have to suffer from hair loss, and you don’t need surgery.

Your luxury hairpiece is made of 100% human hair. Elliotts Hairdressing is partnered with leading suppliers such as Hairskeen.

To find out more, please email Elliotts Hairdressing on:

Tailored exclusively to you

The treatment is bespoke to you. This means you will have an initial assessment to create a piece that fits only you and the coverage you need in certain areas.

Hair will be matched to your existing hair in terms of texture, colour and curl pattern, making the replacement piece virtually invisible.

The area of your head, where bald or thinning, is shaved and the membrane is carefully applied to the scalp with modern bonding materials to secure. Then, one of our experts impeccably blends the piece into your hair.

Approximately every six weeks, your hairpiece will need to be removed. The area will then be cleaned, along with your hairpiece. Your scalp will be exfoliated and shaved again, and then we reapply. 

No restrictions

From here on, you go about your normal life. You can do everything you did before; washing your hair, swimming, running… all while wearing your new, thick hair. It’s completely secure for all movement and day-to-day activities.

Your initial investment starts from £495, which would include the consultation, fitting and all materials. Subsequent refits will be £70 each. 

It’s time to put a spring back into your step!

To find out more, please email Elliotts Hairdressing on: